The face that awaits your own.
This freshly painted 10' mural anchors the large studio at Folsom's Spotted Dog Yoga. The intention that was instilled within each brush stroke across this 30 day painting to find your own inner Krishna. The prankster, a model lover, a philosopher, a teacher, a warrior, an avatar, a bad ass that brings us to the awareness of the war within ourselves, the bearer of light...divine love made manifest....pure divinity.
Krishna consciousness that brings pure happiness.
This divine hero of blue known for carrying a flute as his talisman whose grace rids us of our impurities and whose song brings pure enjoyment and self existing bliss. Thru breath, Krishna brings sweet music to our ears....a great reminder of the gifts that our own breath brings within our practice. The human heart, made instrument for the God of Love to play upon. Legend says Krishna's melody plays so sweet that peacocks were "blissed out" with joy and offered their feathers of nobility in gratitude. Krishna's peacock adornments represent the all seeing eyes that bring forth third eye knowledge and invite us to know and to show our true colors.
May you know your absolute truth.
Thank you yoga community for all your words of appreciation and your enthusiasm during this work in progress...a great reminder of the impact that our daily paint strokes can have on one another.
Thank you yoga community for all your words of appreciation and your enthusiasm during this work in progress...a great reminder of the impact that our daily paint strokes can have on one another.