The beating of the drum penetrated the veil and opened the door to my heart. A flowing water of blue and yellow carries with it grief, fear and transition…the cycle of life. A pink flower called me home to Nevada City and home to myself, where eagerness requires deep patience. Green stripes of truth stand strong with confidence, will and direction. Spirit in feather form brings energy to my canvas creations where alone and wholeness reside within, simultaneously. Love is my sword and my guide and a blue flower of all that is unknown smells sweet with layers of possibility.
“Shamanic Journey #1”
Artist Deniz
Oil Painting
“Shamanic Journey #1”
Artist Deniz
Oil Painting
"Holly’s Shamanic teachings have strengthened my connection with nature, spirit and animal guides by lifting the veil to see, hear and feel more clearly the messages of my heart. These teachings remind me to keep nature close regardless of my surroundings. To create sacred space in my visual surroundings, within my movements and my actions. The sound of the drum is my invocation to ground, connect and listen as visual information appears as pictures in my mind's eye that extends to canvas. This practice has deepened my awareness of the layers of consciousness and my connection to my spiritual council. May these teachings bring new awakenings within, that translate to the collective awakenings of all beings. The shaman within is my teacher with eyes, ears and heart open to the voice and light of spirit…it is here that I meet my highest self and shine most brightly." For details on Shamanic Teachings visit Holly @ |
Please join me in seeing this piece, in addition to other New works!!
This Saturday, June 17th from 11-4pm
Summer Solstice Festival
Hosted by Artist Caren Halvorsen in Fair Oaks, CA
visit (blog section for details)